
Archive for September, 2017

Hello friends. I haven’t posted anything on my writing site since January. Sigh. Somehow though, folks are still visiting and seeing what’s up. Altogether over 16K visits.
It has been a different sort of year for me, and my family. My Dad is resting now, next to Momma. And I’m sure that while their physical beings remain still and silent, somewhere those two are laughing, embracing, recalling and basking in the love that grew even more so for the + fifteen years they were apart…
I wonder if Momma still drinks a black coffee from a slender cup, and fries his eggs the same way. I wonder if she burns her toast just a little, and steals away with most of the egg whites…And has a bit of orange marmalade to top off her toast? I wonder if he still calls her “Vim”, and makes her laugh so with corny jokes and dotes over her now and again?
I wonder if the lot of them there are able to gather and bask in the light of love and divine healing that prevails…I more hope, and less wonder of that.
The division of family here is like a terminal condition, and yet a soothing balm at the same time. I ache because of its presence, and thank the Lord above for keeping some of them away.
I need to get mobile here in the last few minutes of morning. I have a couple tasks to tend to this afternoon. I hope though, that these few words will incite the creation of more in the near future. I need them to heal, to be the light, and to feel again.
Be well friends. I shall keep on, not one day at a time, but minute by minute, the best I can. If you pray for me, and you should already know I have always prayed for you first…then we’ll all be blessed and one day know all the answers to the questions posed here earlier in this collective piece. Matty

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