
Archive for August, 2013

Good morning all. I can see the sun making its debut for the day beyond the eastern horizon. Life is already stirring in the steady flow of traffic heading to the Hanford projects…I scarcely envy them that daily grind…As for me, I head in the opposite direction and journey through a place largely untouched by time. I embrace the small towns and large farms, pastures hosting cattle and horses with bounding young colts nursing and testing wobbly legs.
I can’t help but notice the dwindled numbers of barns and humble old homes being called back to the earth from where their materials came…It is sad to see the empty patch of ground with barely a hint of foundation left. And one feels a twinge when the reminders of lives spent there so long ago, fade into memory as nature reclaims what was truly hers all along. The desert has a way of covering the tracks of others…
I hope all of you have a good day…and even though this is the middle of the week, don’t wish the next three days away…they could be the best days of all, if you just give them a chance to matter. Be well, Matthew

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I want today to be unremarkable. I think I can do with the boredom of working hard and getting the expected results…with no drama, no frills, no friction, no one being overly officious.
Tomorrow, I want to remember this day as one that simply went as it should, and I will be grateful for the turning of the page and another chance to do the same tomorrow.
The best part about today should be getting and giving the love of my friends and family…that will be plenty for me. Matthew

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All days, even the ones less pleasant, hold the potential for happiness…because all days are connected either in retrospect to yesterday, and also to a new tomorrow. One can’t have either unless we were here for the past and are here today. The stroke of midnight or the new dawn gives you a chance and a choice.
I’ve said before that we can’t make life as easy as we’d like it to be, but we can make it a lot harder than it has to be.
Even the hardest of times are tempered or softened by perspective…And the best of times can also be ruined by a dark attitude. Lift up your chin and let positive find you…and keep the faith…faith is paramount.
Have a great Wednesday all. You’re in my prayers even if I’m not in yours.

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For Monday…

Monday morning. Dawn just broke. I love this time of the day…remnants of Sunday still linger. A resolve of what I’ll make of this day are still in a state of flux…’cause for a few more minutes I still want to dwell on the weekend.
I’m grateful for the worthy cause for which I was called so early to leave my dream, the pillows, quilt and darkness of my room. Today I will make a difference. I will set the world afire and hope impression I leave is a good one, and that I give far more than I take.
Just between me and you and God above, today I will pray as I journey…that Emily Ann Martin-Badeaux and Kaye C. Upham’s daughter Jordan are touched softly by the hands of God, and that they will be released from the binds of cancers, and will soon become “survivors”. That they will have mostly in common that they are simply young and beautiful, and vital…looking forward to growing old…They aren’t the only souls I pray for. I have had Michelle Marie Dorsett in my heart as she learns to live on with just memories of her father who was called to join the legions of other WWII veterans who have been getting a place for him ready. God rest his soul. There are more, but these will be the ones I request for mercies with an air of urgency.
The day is calling me, the highway and journey…the gap at Wallula where the river makes a bend will mark the half-way point. I hope the morning sun is gentle to wake my senses, that fair breezes are urging my car from behind…and that kind souls await as I travel to join with them…
Have an equally great Monday all…and please join me in praying for my deserving friends…Matthew

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Friday morning…quiet here this time of the morning…peaceful. Its nice to just sit and reflect, listen to the sleepy world as it wakes up and eases into the gateway to the weekend.
I have lived and savored every day this week, given and returned smiles, moments of undivided attention, laughter, pleas and thanks to the heavens for losses and mercies alike.
I hear the day beckoning me and asking me to live it, not simply let the time pass by. Be well all, and don’t abandon hope and faith…they will build bridges over troubled times and carry you when there are no bridges over metaphoric deep waters…Stay strong..Matthew L Landsman

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I have a few minutes before I venture out into the day and make my trek to the Walla Walla VA Hospital and an opportunity to indirectly improve the lives of veterans who have already made a difference in my own life. Though they didn’t know me, they still volunteered, went where they went, did what they had to do, and put their lives on hold so the likes of you and I could live as we pleased.
I can’t see in their minds or their hearts when we pass each other in a hallway. But I can see into their eyes, can witness their lingering pain and struggles that accompany them day after day. And I regularly offer them thanks for their service, and I often give them a minute of my time, in exchange for the years of time they gave for us all.
I can sense what lingers from their days in jungles or mountains, deserts and oceans. I can only imagine what they’ve endured, what they’ve witnessed and will dream about when sleep finally finds them…and I can just be grateful and simply give thanks, and offer a prayer or two in exchange for the prayers they have already answered for the lot of us somewhere along the way.
Have a great day all…MLL

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